Terms and Conditions


The following applies to ANY AND ALL travel arrangements and services provided by Affordable Travel, Inc., ATI Vacations, and ativacations.com, hereinafter referred to as ATI, whether arranged directly with ATI or on ATI’s website. Nothing contained herein is meant to interfere with customer's legal rights against any supplier(s).

ATI’s Privacy Policy is a part of these Terms and Conditions. Please review it.

ATI is not the source or supplier of any travel services and acts solely as a coordinator of travel supplier products in selling travel-related services such as air and ground transportation, accommodations, excursions, cruises, and transfers. ATI strongly recommends all travelers purchase travel insurance protection, is not a licensed insurance broker or agent, and requires a signed waiver for each traveler who declines to purchase travel insurance.

ATI has no control over or liability for the operations of any travel suppliers or their agents, servants, and employees. ATI shall not be responsible for changes to any itinerary or cost, breach of contract, data breach, failure to comply with any laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or any intentional or negligent actions or omissions on the part of such suppliers or of any agent of supplier or due to force majeure, which result in any loss, damage, delay, inconvenience, injury, or death to travelers or travelers' companions or group members. Travelers have done due diligence, are aware of the quality of the travel arrangements and services, and agree that ATI will not be responsible for dissatisfaction with any travel component for which a client has approved and purchased. 

ATI shall not be responsible or liable for any injuries, accidents, losses, damages, or events which may occur during all stages of travel, such as climatological conditions or changes, contagion, political upheavals, labor stoppages and force majeure. By embarking upon his/her travel, the traveler voluntarily assumes all risks involved in such travel, whether expected or unexpected.

SUPPLIER TERMS AND CONDITIONS. When you accept or make a deposit for travel-related services made for you by ATI, you consent to and request the use of those suppliers and agree to read, comply with and be bound by those suppliers’ documents including their terms and conditions whether provided to you physically or electronically. These terms and conditions will include payment requirements, cancellation and refund policies, and may include passport, visa and health requirements, or other information and conditions for your travel. Additional fees may apply to your travel, such as resort fees, baggage fees, or optional gratuities, whether or not they are noted in supplier terms and conditions.

PAYMENTS, REFUNDS AND CANCELLATIONS. Payment authorizations must be received by ATI in advance of the suppliers’ payment due dates to avoid supplier cancellation subject to the rules of the particular supplier. Payments for travel-related services are made directly to the supplier and ATI assumes no responsibility for any refunds except for those cases where a supplier accepts only one payment, such as a bus charter for a group, and the funds are collected and held in an account for this purpose by ATI for a single payment to that supplier. ATI will provide a written cancellation policy before funds are collected for this purpose.

GROUP TRAVEL. ATI reserves the right to decline or accept or to retain any person as a member of a group trip; change a trip from ‘escorted/guided’ by ATI to ‘partially escorted/guided’ by ATI or by a replacement escort, to ‘unescorted’ by ATI or by a replacement escort should circumstances preclude the designated ATI escort or replacement escort from accompanying the trip for whatever reason, or to cancel a trip outright due to low passenger sign-up numbers, illness of a service provider, supplier default, or any other circumstances beyond the control of ATI.

ACTIONS OF CLIENTS. ATI assumes no liability for the actions of its clients including but not limited to failure to acquire valid travel documentation, failure to adhere to destination or mode of travel laws and/or regulations, failure to review travel arrangements and documentation for correctness and accuracy, or failure to provide correct and accurate information to ATI. ATI assumes no liability for any travel components self-arranged by clients. 

PROVIDE ACCURATE PERSONAL INFORMATION. Client agrees to provide accurate information including but not limited to: passenger names as stated on travel documents (passport or other government issued ID), country of citizenship, address, email address, telephone number, date of birth, and special needs or restrictions to ensure suitable travel arrangements are made. Client accepts responsibility for any increased costs or fees for any corrections or changes to the information provided.

By providing personal information to ATI, client authorizes ATI to provide/release this personal information, including credit card information when making payments, to suppliers of travel services to obtain quotes and make travel arrangements.

SPECIAL NEEDS OR RESTRICTIONS. Travelers must provide ATI with any special needs, requirements or restrictions when requesting assistance with travel arrangements. For example, these may include but not be limited to: allergies; dietary restrictions or special diet requirements; mobility limitations or use of a walker, wheelchair, or scooter; the use of a CPAP machine; or other conditions or abilities needing accommodation during travel. ATI is not responsible if ANY service provider is unable to or fails to accommodate particular restrictions or requirements.

REVIEW TRAVEL DOCUMENTS AND ARRANGEMENTS. You are solely responsible to carefully and completely review all travel documents provided by ATI for accuracy and correctness of all information including but not limited to: passenger names (correct and match travel documents), address, email address, telephone number, date of birth, dates of travel, arrival and departure airports, transfers, accommodations, tour/cruise/hotel/resort/activity information, upon receipt and you will contact ATI if you have any questions. You understand and agree that suppliers may charge you a change fee or re-price your reservation for revisions per the supplier’s terms and conditions.

PASSPORTS, VISAS AND GOVERNMENT REQUIREMENTS. Traveler assumes complete and full responsibility for, and hereby releases ATI from, any duty of checking and verifying any US or State Government issued ID, passport, visa, International Driver's License, vaccination, health or other entry requirements of each destination, and all safety and security conditions of such destinations, during the length of the proposed travel. 

US citizens, traveling to any destination outside of the United States, will be required to present a valid US passport. Passports must be valid for 6 months past the return date in certain countries. Some countries may require a visa for transit or entry. Passengers are responsible to ensure that they have all proper documents for entry including country-specific requirements. All names on documents must match the legal name on your photo ID and travel documentation must match tickets. Please check the US State Department website www.travel.state.gov for further information. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in denied boarding, denied entry, and/or government imposed fines. US citizens may need specific immunizations for certain international destinations as recommended by the CDC. Please check the CDC Travel website www.cdc.gov/travel

The United Kingdom (UK) Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) is a new requirement for citizens of countries who can visit England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland without a visa for short trips. This includes citizens of the United States of America (USA). The UK ETA can be refused on criminality grounds. For questions, refer to UK Home Office.

The UK ETA for American Travelers: Everything You Need to Know - ETA for the United Kingdom

Visit www.tsa.gov for information on travel documentation required to board domestic US flights.

Passport requirements, including time-to-expiration after travel end date, visa requirements, and safety and security information of destinations may be obtained by visiting the Department of State’s official website at: www.travel.state.gov/

Non-US passport holders should be certain to contact the embassies of their destination and transit countries to obtain entrance and exit requirements.

For medical information, visit US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) at www.cdc.gov/travel.

COVID-19/HEALTH TESTING AND PROOF OF VACCINATIONS. Suppliers and destinations may require proof of COVID vaccinations, negative COVID or other health tests for travel, adherence to COVID-safe policies and/or may change the pricing, locations, and/or availability of COVID-19 or other health testing. Travelers are solely responsible for complying with these requirements.

Mandatory US Department of Transportation Regulatory Disclosures Before Purchase * Before purchase of airfare, the USDOT requires mandatory disclosure of the certain regulations. Acknowledgement of these regulations only represents that you have been informed of them and does not represent an agreement or obligation to purchase. The regulations are: 

  1. Under certain circumstances, a price increase of only government-imposed taxes and fees can be imposed. 
  2. Aircraft to certain destinations may be subject to DOT Disinfection Requirements 
  3. Secure Flight Passenger Data must be entered no later than 72 hours prior to departure 
  4. e-Tickets may have an expiration date if not used 
  5. Knowledge of permitted and prohibited items in checked baggage and carry-on luggage

AIRLINE POLICIES REGARDING WEATHER-RELATED DELAYS OR CANCELLATIONS, PASSENGER RIGHTS AND E-TICKET EXPRIATION DATES. In May 2024, USDOT policy changed regarding airline refund regarding flight change or cancellation. If an airline cancels a passenger’s flight or makes a significant change in the flight, regardless of the reason, airlines are required to provide a prompt refund to a ticketed passenger, including those with non-refundable tickets, should the passenger choose not to accept the alternative offered, such as rebooking on another flight. ATI does not sell directly to consumers and does not collect payment for travel services so is not considered as the merchant of sale; the client's credit card is used to make the purchase directly to the airlines or travel supplier and any refunds will be from that airline or travel supplier. Each airline has own policy regarding e-ticket expiration date. For more information, ATI refers you to USDOT Airline Refunds and Airline Customer Service Dashboard

From: Fly Rights - USDOT: Airlines don't guarantee their schedules. There are many things that can - and often do - make it impossible for flights to arrive on time. Some of these problems, like bad weather, air traffic delays, and mechanical issues, are hard to predict and often beyond the airlines' control. 

Once the airline has taken control of the flight reservation (at check-in),ATI can only assist as a liaison to reschedule flights. ATI will work with the travel supplier/airline to help clients in getting to their destination, but the modification of flights is under the carrier's control.

POSSIBLE AIRCRAFT INSECTICIDE USE. Some countries require insecticide spraying of aircraft prior to a flight or while you are on the aircraft. In such cases, federal law requires that ATI refers you to US DOT's disinfection website www.transportation.gov/airconsumer/spray

TRAVEL INSURANCE. ATI strongly recommends all travelers purchase travel insurance protection to protect themselves and their vacation. ATI offers travel insurance protection from various insurers but is not a licensed insurance broker and cannot compare policies or companies. Traveler is responsible for carefully reviewing and determining if any travel insurance policy they consider meets their needs, contacting the insurance provider with any questions regarding the policy, and/or requesting other quotes from ATI. All questions before, during and after travel should be directed to the insurance provider and any claims should be filed directly with your insurance provider.

ATI has no control over any insurance provider is not responsible for and shall not be liable for policy coverage, actions or decisions of the insurance provider or any loss, damages and/or out-of-pocket expenses not covered by your travel insurance.

If traveler does not purchase travel insurance and chooses to self-insure, traveler is responsible for any cancellation penalties, losses, damages and/or out-of-pocket expenses incurred and accepts responsibility for arranging and paying for any treatment, evacuation, or repatriation of remains in case of an emergency while traveling.

ATI requires a signed waiver before making final payments for each passenger who declines to purchase travel insurance protection including minors for whom a parent or guardian declines travel insurance protection.

These terms and conditions apply to all travel services offered by ATI and referring to these electronically constitutes your legal signature and full agreement with these terms and conditions.

DISPUTE RESOLUTION. Any dispute that arises out of or relates to this contract, or breach thereof, that cannot be settled through negotiation, will be resolved by arbitration or within a court in the State and District of New Mexico. Errors and omissions must be both a direct cause and proximate cause of damages by ATI.

Any inquiries, claims, or general complaints by the passenger relating to the service provided by ATI must be submitted in writing to ATI within 30 days of the completion of the cruise/tour, and must contain detailed and evidentiary information.

ATI receives commissions and fees for arranging travel services and you agree that any recovery from ATI will be limited to the amount of commission and fees actually received by ATI for travel services arranged at your request and/or on your behalf.